Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I learn Faroese?

In general, the municipality you relocate to offer free Faroese language courses through their evening school program. It is recommended to contact your municipality you reside to receive more information.

Each municipality differs in the availability and the course level depending on number of sign-ups. Tórshavn, the capital city, offers various course types that are free, paid, or reimbursement scheme and open to residents in the Faroe Islands. There have been instances where residents residing in one municipality can join another municipality's program. Always check with the municipality in interest if it is possible. 

The Faroese language program follows the language curriculum based on Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR). 

Read here for an overview of Faroese learning. 

How do I find a job?

Job vacancies listed publicly by both private companies and the public sector are generally found on a website called ALS. You can also find job vacancies on news websites and newspapers. 

Almost all job vacancies are written in Faroese but occassionally, there are some written in English. For jobs you are inquiring, a recommendation is not only to write via email but to call or visit in person. 

Applying for a job in the Faroe Islands, you, as a non-Nordic citizen, must have the appropriate permit. For more information on permits, please go to Faroese immigration website

I am moving with my children to the Faroe Islands, what/ how should I prepare?

It is always important to have clear and informative dialogue with professionals (daycare staff, teachers, sports coaches, etc) who will be involved in your children's lives. When a child starts at a public institution (for example, daycare or school), there is a meeting between the staff and the parents. Many professionals are capable of speaking in English but for the families who do not speak English, please ask about interpretation service with the language of your choosing. 

(For information on daycare and school, please go here.)

For families especially with a non-nordic background, please make sure to dialogue and ask many questions of the differences between what you know from your home country and the Faroese system. Explain to the professionals how does your home country work when it comes to, for example, daycare or school, and ask what are the differences here in the Faroe Islands. Importantly, dialogue about the expectations of parents and the responsibility the public institiution has in your child's life. It is a common practice in the Faroe Islands parents talk with professionals casually about the child's activities and development so do not hesitate to make small conversations or contact informally. 

Extracurricular activities such as sports play an important role in a child's life here in the Faroe Islands. A recommendation would be for a child who moved here recently to be involved in an extracurricular activity to not only benefit for one's own development (such as sport), but also create opportunities to foster bond between other children, learn the local culture and practice Faroese, and establish relationships that can last through one's adulthood (a norm in the Faroe Islands).

While children are quick to pick up on a language, learning a language can still be relatively hard. There are various venues one can choose as parents to promote a learning language environment such as children's Faroese songs , children's TV shows, or children's radio shows. The local library has a variety of resources parents can choose also. Some municipalities provide lektiecafe (homework support) for school students. Please check with the school and the municipality on what type of support services are available. 

If there are any questions or concerns you, as a parent, have, do not hesitate to ask to your child's professional (at daycare or at school). Your municipality is also a place of resource and also has dedicated staff that oversees these areas such as daycare and school that you can contact. 

What are my rights and responsibilities as a resident?

If you hold a Faroese personal identification number, p-tal, you have the right to access public services like any resident Faroese citizen. Please be aware, however, that access to certain services, such as unemployment funds, may be limited. Always ask the responsible department or agency before applying for the public service in question about the requirements or limitations. It is your responsibility to understand the terms and conditions when you apply for a permit, whether for work or residence.

Read here for more information.