
New Integration Service offered by the Faroese Immigration Office

Moving to a new country brings excitement, new opportunities, and a long list of questions! Unfortunately, asking Siri on the iPhone about Faroese services or searching online may not give you the answers you need. Maybe you have questions on learning the Faroese language, how to start your own business, how do I understand the Faroese welfare system and why do I pay so many fees, or what are the available activities your children can participate? It could be as simple as learning what rights and duties you have in the Faroes or you want to know how to further your education.  

The Integration Officer at the Faroese Immigration Office is here for you! The Integration Officer will guide you on the questions you have and provide next step recommendations. Whether you are newly arrived or have been here for some time, you, as an immigrant in the Faroe Islands, can write or call the Integration Officer with your inquiry or book a time for consultation! Interpretation is available!


Integration Officer: Durita Kastalag
Phone: 356099 / 357979
E-mail: duritak@vs.fo
Address: Sigmundargøta 13 Tórshavn

* For all inquiries on residence and work permits, please call the main office telephone number for assistance.

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